Real-time Collaboration with Operational Transform
- Video
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This is a slightly different variant of my previous talk that I gave at ElixirConf US.
Ever wondered how you can build something like Google Docs? Using Elixir’s powerful fault-tolerance and concurrency capabilities along with Phoenix’s excellent support for building real-time systems out-of-the-box, these two are all you need to know to build your own real-time collaboration app.
With our experience and learnings building Slab compressed into the talk, the goal is to get you going quickly by choosing the right™️ approach and tools. We’ll also use Operational Transform, a collaboration and consistency architecture to ensure reliability and scalability when coauthoring. Starting with a basic plain-text implementation on the frontend, we’ll also show how to support formatting and more using an advanced editor like Quill.js.
Additional links:
- Live Demo:
- Delta Package: