Sheharyar Naseer

Quickly Dockerize your Apps with CloudUp

It’s been almost 10 years since Docker was first released to the public back in 2013, and since then it’s gained massive popularity all over the world.

But I still see junior developers struggle to understand its concepts and create their first Dockerfile for their projects. With hundreds of thousands of articles on the internet describing how to use Docker in projects of all sorts of languages and frameworks, it can be hard to parse what’s the right approach for creating one.

That’s where I got the inspiration for compiling well-maintained and production-ready dockerfiles with best practices for a variety of common languages and frameworks, that can be immediately used with little or no customization.

Introducing →

Create Dockerfile for apps with CloudUp

We decided to compile them at You can use the available Dockerfile generator to quickly create and use Dockerfiles for:

  • Basic Node.js applications
  • Nest.js backend apps
  • Simple Elixir scripts
  • Phoenix web applications
  • Common Python scripts
  • Flask applications
  • Ruby/Sinatra applications
  • and more…

Once you’ve selected your language and framework, you’ll be presented with an optimized Dockerfile for the project, along with helpful instructions, and the code for any other associated files such as .dockerignore.

In the example for Nest.js below, it also tells you what changes you need to make in the package.json file for that project.

The best part is that you can even configure common values such as APP_NAME, NODE_VERSION, PORT, etc. directly and the changes will be reflected immediately for you to copy/download the files.

Generate Dockerfile for Node.js apps

While, this is still a work-in-progress, the project is already a success as I see junior devs using it for quickly setting up Docker.

I’d love if you drop your feedback (or even better, send a PR!) on the project’s Github page.

See the Project →